The play "A View from the Bridge", written by Arthur Miller; is about an american family that shelter two illegal immigrants from Sicily. Althought at the beginning it was a priviledge for Eddie to take in his wife cousins, when his niece Catherine fell in love with one of them, Eddie`s actions and feelings threaten the happiness of the whole family.
The following image is an infograph describing Alfieri and Beatrice, two important characters in the play.
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018
jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018
‼ The things that could be avoided are that larger dans are more expensive, so if they build a smaller or a normal size dans that would be more cheap. There will be less natural environment destruction and the people wouldn't move from their homes since they didn't need so much space. Farmers wouldn't spend so much money on fertilizers, they only spend the necessary.
Well known dam
El Carrizal is located dam in the upper middle course of the Tunuyán River, in the north-central part of the Province of Mendoza, Argentina, upstream of the city of Rivadavia. Next to the lake there are 2 locations El Carrizal on the west bank and Villa San Isidro on the east bank. Its reservoir measures about 15 × 5 km, and the maximum water level is at 785.5 meters above sea level. it is used to regulate the flow of the Tunuyán River, which has glacial sources from the Andes, and to irrigate a very arid region. The water mirror is a tourist destination, where you can take a fishing, windsurfing, sailing, etc. Camps are held on its banks. Over time the reservoir has decreased its retention capacity due to the large accumulation of sediments, which affects the distribution of water in its area of influence.
Uses of water
Indoors and outdoors house puroposes, for taking baths, for cooking, washing clothes, washing teeths, watering the yard
For factories and for power such as fabricating, washing, cooling or transporting a product or even for industries which produce paper, food or chemicals.
Is mainly used for irrigating plants but also for pesticides and fertilizers but also for cooling crops
Different lifes
In the video, two different life routines are shown. One of a boy who lives in a water rich country and one who lives in a water-poor country. The girl, who lives in a shanty town, has to travel miles to fill a bottle with water from a river which is very dirty. Hwever, the boy from the water-rich country fills his bottle from a machine and the water is pottable. In the end, the boy travels to where the girl lives, as I think that the boys is aware of the problems in the country where the girl lives, and while he is there he changes the bottles replacing the dirty with the pottable. I think that all the world needs to do what the boy has done, not only because it is a good action but also because water is needed for life on Earth, for girls like the one in the video to live. The word has to help each other, organizations like the UN, because its not fair for the ones that don´t have availabilty.
lunes, 25 de junio de 2018
A dark ride
During our trip in United Kingdom, we visited de Cardiff Castle were we found the shelters for the people living in Wales during the WWII
martes, 8 de mayo de 2018
Facts about tropical cyclones

Names are
given to hurricanes. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) keeps a list
of names to use. There are different names given for each region of the
world. Names are taken from an
alphabetic list that is used again every six years. In 1979 names of men were
added. It also is important to mention that if the hurricane was very deadly,
the name given to it cannot be repeated. In addition, hurricanes cannot be prevented
and you can never know its direction. Some consequences are: loss of life, they
destroy everything like home possessions, floodings, economic loses, leaving
people jobless as industries are ruined. Also health consequences may occur for
example cholera, among others.
domingo, 29 de abril de 2018
Viajando por el sistema digestivo
En esta presentación están identificadas las diferentes partes del sistema digestivo
viernes, 27 de abril de 2018
TP: Les Misérables
Écrit par Ignacio Galup, Ivan D'Orazio et Agustin Mora en classe en de francais
L'histoire de Jean Valjean, un prisonnier, qui a juste été libéré de la prison (parce qu'il a volé un pain). Jean Valjean se déplace vers un nouvel emplacement et avec sa nouvelle personnalité et fait fortune. Il révèle seulement son identité à Javert, un inspecteur de police pour éviter l'arrestation, il assume un certain nombre d'identités..Il sauve aussi une fille appelée Cosette et devient son gardien.Cosette et Jean Vivent beaucoup d'années dans un couvent ,Elle tombe alors amoureuse d'un jeune avocat. Qui joint une bande de révolutionnaires Et Jean le porte en sécurité par le système d'égout de Paris. Mais Valjean s’échappe à nouveau. Ne concevant qu’un bagnard puisse être bon, Javert se suicide. À la fin de l’histoire Cosette et Marius Pontmercy sont mariés
Les Misérables
Victor Hugo
- Il est né à Besançon, Doubs, en France le 26 Février 1802
- Il est mort à Paris, le 22 may, 1885
- ¨Ruy Blas¨
- ¨Les Misérables¨
- ¨Le Bossu de Notre Dame¨
Court résumé:

Les personnages principaux:
- Jean Valjean
- Cosette
- Inspector Javert
- Gavroche
- Fantine
- Marius Pontmercy
- Monseigneur Myriel
domingo, 25 de marzo de 2018
¿Seres vivos o no?
En la clase de Biología, argumentamos sobre si los virus son seres vivos o no. En mi opinión, no lo son, aunque comparten algunas características con los seres vivos, como por ejemplo, el material genético, desde el punto de vista metabólico, los virus son inertes. Además, no se nutren ni se relacionan, no respiran, sin embargo son capaces de replicarse.
A continuación un vídeo de la infección viral de una célula
A continuación un vídeo de la infección viral de una célula
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