In the ELT speaking class, I wrote a ¨1 minute talk¨ about my school
domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017
Going on an exchange program
In the ELT Speaking class we wrote a dialogue talking about an exchange programme. I did it with Azul
Inspeccionando un encéfalo
Pudimos observar que su supereficie era suave y la sangre no se salia del encefalo gracias a las membranas meninges que lo cubren. Además contenía una superficie irregular que contiene circunvoluciones cerebrales y por último que su color es rosado ya que lleva vasos sanguíneos por dentro.
Cara dorsal
Cara ventral
Interior de la médula espinal
Luego cortamos en rodajas la médula espinal con un bisturí , y notamos que tiene forma de mariposa

Anaomía Interna
Primero con cuidado separamos los hemisférios cerebrales y cortamos el cuerpo calloso para ver la cavidad de cada hemisfério, luego hicimos un corte antero-posterior horizontal con un bisturí y observamos la diferencia entre la sustancia gris y blanca
viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017
FCE Practice and Essay
In the Language class with the teacher Andrea, we had an exam to practice for the FCE Test Exam, we have been given some questions and while we were writing, we had to answer them. Then, we wrote an essay talking about our opinion of the fact that older people have more knwoledge of life than young people.
I believe having company when to do thing is much better, I would love to repeat all the amazing things we discovered, besides, one week was not enough! Next time you should stay more time.
As I see it, an older person has lived more than younger people, of course. So they have more experience in thing like how to react in a difficult situation. So if I have a problem or something that's why I would ask mum mom as maybe she has lived something similar before
FCE Practice test 1
Paper 2 writing
Dear David,
I absolutely had a great time here with you so, of course, you're welcome any time you want to visit us again. I'm happy you enjoyed your stay as much as me.

My family adores you, they say that your enthusiasm and smile face made them happy, and also that you took very profesional photos, would you mind sending them? My parents will miss you.
Well, I would be pleased to stay with you whenever you can, just tell me when and we arrange later.
See you soon,
To begin with, I don't fully agree with the fact that older people know more than young people.
As I see it, an older person has lived more than younger people, of course. So they have more experience in thing like how to react in a difficult situation. So if I have a problem or something that's why I would ask mum mom as maybe she has lived something similar before
As I said, I don't fully agree because, in life maybe yes older people know more however, talking about knowledge o things I think they are wrong, since a man of twenty five years, or a teacher can know more of for example english history than my grandmother.
Therefore, saying that younger people know less than older ones, according to what knowledge they are talking about can be right or wrong from my point of view.
lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017
Ma présentation personnelle
En la clase de Frances, luego de realizar una presentación personal, la teníamos que ilustrar en modo auditivo y visual, yo realize un video con imágenes y mi voz relatando el texto
viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017
Old learn from young
In the FCE writing class with Andrea we wrote an essay about our opinion of the fact that an old person knows more than a young one. Then we made groups of four, mine was with Cecilia, Trinidad and Azul and we illustrated the essay, although our papers were different our opinions were the same. We used Story Board That to illustrate it in two different examples
Made with Storyboard That
Made with Storyboard That
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Example 1 |
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Example 2 |
Made with Storyboard That
domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017
To begin with
In the History class we were asked to create a mind map about Hitler from when he was born to the Munich Putsch (1889-1923). The mind map is chronological order, from 1889 and continue to the right following the clockwise.
sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017
Practicando CC
En la clase de T.I.C, aprendimos sobre creative commons y como utilizarlo, este es un ejemplo
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Tomada por Marco, en Flickr, con licencia CC BY-NC-SA 2.0CC BY-NC-SA 2.CC BY-NC-SA 2.0CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 |
jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017
Los grupos de la tabla periódica
Realice una infografia para la clase de Fisico Química, sobre los diferentes grupos de la tabla periódica y sus características, utilizando las paginas 34 y 35 del libro

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017
The Weimar Republic
In History class we have to create a timeline about the Weimar Republic (Germany), here is mine
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