miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

From the beggining to the end

At the begining of the year, we learned about the differet types of theatre and their practitioners. Some were, Theatre in education, Bretch, Physicall theatre. Then for the last project, in groups (I was with Santiago, Florencia, Valentina y Julian we chose Theathre in education to represent a play we invented.
  Theatre in education is used to encourage effective learning in schools. You have to consider the age of the audience and pick a genre for the play that suits with them. Morever it has lots of benefits like self confidence, imagination, empathy, collaboration, concentration, communication, relations, emotional outlet, skills and physical fitness. In our play we includes:

  • Breaking the fourth wall
  • Participation of the audience
  • Suitable performance for the audience
  • Engaging the young audience

The script:

You should tell someone

This takes place in a school where two teenagers Santiago and flopy are walking through the hallways Julian and lara appeared and started bordering them.
Lara: Oh! look who is here! The nerd and his girlfriend, stop kissing each other and give me your homework!
Santiago:  She is not my girlfriend and I won't give you anything!
(Julian push santi and flopy helps him get up again and lara push her too)
Flopy: What's your problem? Leave us alone!
Julián: No we won't because you deserve all this!
Santiago: But why? What did we do?
Lara: You know
(Julian and lara push them and walk away)
Flopy: Santi we have to tell someone! This can't go on!
Santiago: No we can't! If not... Lara will never like me
Flopy: But obviously she doesn't likes you! She borders you!
Santiago: Maybe she bothers me because she likes me?
Flopy: I don´t think so...let's go to class
Flopy: (to the audience) Do you think she likes him? He is so stupid, she obviously doesn’t like him.
(They pick up their things from the floor and go class)
Julián: This used to be funny but now they defend theirselves
Lara: Yes, I know, it's boring but we can't stop doing it otherwise they feel like they won
Julián: we can hurt them physically now!
Lara:- We can't! Poor boy!
Julian: What about the girl?
Lara7: oh... yes... the girl too
Julián: Let's see what we can do
(They run into santi in the hallways and star bordering him. Flopy saw them and went to look for the teacher. When Flopy and the teacher arrived they see Santi on the floor been kicked by Julian and lara)
Tiny- What's happening here? You two to my office! Now!
(Julian and lara didn't move, they stood right were they where)
Tiny-Flopy help your friend get up, I will have a serious talk with this two.
(Flopy and santi go back to class and the teacher goes to the office with the other two)
At the office:
Tiny: I can't believe it! This is unecceptable at my school! I can't believe this was going on and I didn't notice it! Why are you doing this?
Julián -It's fun
Tiny -do you understand this is serious? This people are suffering because you are "having fun"
Lara: i regret what I have done
Tiny: and why you are still doing it? You really find it funny? This children are not passing through good moments you are ruining their teenage year
Julián: what would be our punishment?
Tiny: (To the audience ) I have not decided it yet but it is going to be the best for them to reflex and understand
Lara: okay
Julián I hate you
Tiny: I think I know what the punishment should be..
Tiny: first of all i will call your parent and inform them what is going on
Julian: No please! Batty will be so let down and disappointed
Tiny: that’s the price, you are also going to be suspended for a week, apologise to  Santi and Flopi and for the rest of the year you are going to work with them
Lara: But they hate us it is going to be awful for ua
Tiny: They can let their differences aside and i am sure they will treat you as equals, unlike you. I am going to take care of the situation now, you can leave.

Tiny: (To the audience) Do you believe that what I did was enough to solve the problem?

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

La poesía Vanguardia

En poesía, una de las corrientes principales que aprendimos fue la vangurdia. La vanguardia, provoca una reacción en el lector, irrumpe con nuevas formas o temáticas. En este genero se utiliza la meteórica, la rima y el ritmo. En las poesías de vanguardia existe una libertad de expresión, así nacen los versos libres. Por otra parte, encontramos recursos retóricos como las metáforas, las metonimias, las antítesis entre otras. Las características principales de la vanguardia son:
- Las nuevas temáticas
- La asociación libre (de sonidos y significados)
- Creación de nuevas palabras
- El rechazo de la razón
- La centralidad de la perspectiva subjetiva
- Los juegos con los sentidos
- Nuevas formas de versos

A continuación, escribimos poesías aplicando este movimiento literario.

Primer poema (individual):

En este poema tuvimos que hacer un caligrama, es decir una poesía donde la disposición gráfica de los versos se relacione con la temática. Mi temática en este poema son los labios.

Te pinto
pintar tu boca  es como tocar el cielo, 
tus labios hablan solos,
tus lunares se ríen
y cuando sonreís mi corazón salta,
y te quiero llenar de vida,
de besos y brazos
pienso que suertudo soy
mientras te pinto.

Segundo poema (hecho con Azul):

En este poema, que era de a 2, había que combinar los caligramas individuales.

Te pinto,
ella no habla, pero con su mirada
fría te observa
su belleza me atrae,
sus labios hablan solos,
sus lunares se ríen,
pero cuidado no te dejes llevar
ni por sus palabras,
ni por sus modales
igual yo te pinto y te quiero llenar de vida
a vos niña confundida
te quiero llenar de besos y abrazos
y pienso que suertudo soy
porque al final me dejaste ver
el verdadero color de tu mirada

Poesía (con 3 mecanismos):

En este poema, nuevamente de a 2 tuvimos que escribir otra poesía con al menos 3 de los siguientes mecanismos:
-neologismos (nueva creación en una lengua)
-importancia de los sentidos sobre los significados
-nuevas palabras por combinación
-multiplicidad de sentidos 

Veo veo, vos ves?
veo veo va bien
veo veo , venoso
veo vistas verticles
veo viajur vuzis
veo volar vacas
veo veo, vos vas a ver

Poesía de cadáver exquisito (hecho con Valentina, Trinidad, Azul, Florencia y Olivia)
Tema: la Luna

Un cadáver exquisito, lo que puede escribir desde lo inconsciente, sin pensarse. Por eso en grupos, cada integrante escribía un verso y luego otro y así por tres rondas, pero la idea de que sea cadáver exquisito es que nadie pueda ver lo que el otro escribía. El tema que elegimos fué la Luna y nos quedó así: 

La Luna que aulla
alta en el cielo blanca como la nieve
la Luna baila
Luna lunera, estrellas amarillas
Luna redonda, como una mandarina
sin ella todo cambia, los mares crecen, todo estaría perdido
la Luna brilla con lunares
y me di cuenta que hay una Luna para cada noche
mientras miro la Luna de Rasqui tumbado en la arena blanca
la Luna es linda como la monalisa
¿De qué color es la Luna? 
¿Será naranja como una mandarina?
El Sol es luz, la Luna la oscuridad
y con la bella Luna lunera
la vi, la seguí mirando
la observé y la seguí observando
la Luna me habla solo a mí
la Luna sale a la noche