miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015


Entender es saber...

En él día de la fecha organuzamos un vídeo  en él cual incluye todonl que hicimos en él año druante la materia Construcción de Ciudadanía

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

Todo lo que vimos, vuelve

Esta es mi integradora de Cs.Naturales que trata sobre todos los temas que vimos durante este año 2015 Powered by emaze

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

The Hero

In the Language Throw Literature class, the teacher she asked us to solve a task in wich we have to quote the most important and explain why I choosed that in the book ''The Hero'' by Joanna Trollpe. So, here is my quote...
''He went back to the island two days later, cradling the manuscript as carefully as he had done on theoutward journey. He had felt protective, as if Edward Campbell must be the senelded from the truth about buinself as much as the island and the widow must be. He had no idea what he would say to the widow in actual words and phrases. All he know was that he never know what he now know. She an the island must keep their hero safe. It was his duty to make sure that they could

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Essay on someone famous

Amethyst Amelia Kelly, or Iggy Azalea has chosen that name because it's a mix between her dog's name. She lived in Gales, Austria. Everything started when she was 11 and his grandparents took her to Los Anegeles and she loved it. Then at the age of 14 she begin singing in a band with two of her neighbourhood friends, but suddenly she left because they did not take the band seriously. She also left school for helping her her mother cleaning houses so that she earn money to get a career. She explaims all this in one of her most popular songs "Work". Finally at the age of 16 she was in Miami, alone, with no money, so a famous raper helped her to to be what she is now. Iggy is in love with hip-hop since she was very little. And she was always listening to music of popular rapers. When she was young, she met a boy via Internet name Derek, that liked hip-hop, so as to send him, what Iggy wrote when she was little. They are still friens nowadays. For helping people, she did the "Ice bucket Challenge" so as to donate money. She won many trophies for example, 
Bilboard Music Award, "Fancy" best song of rap
MTV Europe Music Award, "Problem" best song of the year 
People's Choice Award, Best Rap Artist
And many more. From  y point of view she is the best. I think she is original, fantastique, unique

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Salud de la sociedad

Este texto explica una enfermedad pandemia que es muy conocida. Trata sobre la anorexia y la bulimia, pero en este caso, que es genética. Para hablar sobre estas enfermedades que consisten en creer y verse obesa y dejar de comer y descender el peso. Por ello se investigó y se afirmó que estas enfermedades son genéticas por lo cual hay que tratar potencialmente esta desequilibración de alimentos. Además las secuelas de este fenómeno:
-hacerse revisiones y analisis diariamente